Over $165 million in settlements and verdicts

$34 million

Serious Injury Due to Car Seat

Jury verdict against a major car seat manufacturer that failed to warn of the potential risk of enhanced and serious injury to young children from being in a forward-facing position in this specific car seat.

$12 million

Fracking Trailer Engine Explosion

Represented the family of a man who was killed working at an oil-well site when a fracking trailer engine exploded.

$9.1 million

Improperly Serviced Tires

A vehicle, holding two occupants, lost control and collided into a tree after a major tire shop had improperly serviced the vehicle—leaving the driver dead upon impact and passenger permanently disabled.

$8.6 million

Unsafe company vehicle

Client was killed in a motor-vehicle accident due to the absence of a strong safety bulkhead wall and stronger cabinetry anchors.

$8 million

Failing Vehicle Seat Back

Struck from behind in a vehicle-motor accident, the driver’s seat back and its metal support structure failed causing the seat to collapse into the rear seat and impact a child passenger. The child passenger was left with a traumatic brain injury and permanent disability.

$6.1 million

fraudulent contract

Client was fraudulently induced into a contractual agreement with the defendant company, who conspired with other companies and knew that he could not perform the obligations under the agreement.

$5.65 million

Faulty Vehicle Clutch

A child inserted the key to his family vehicle when the vehicle began moving even though the clutch was not depressed. As a result, the child was struck by the vehicle and suffered fatal injuries.

$4.5 million

Defective Fan Fire

A defective box fan caught fire and engulfed the client’s home, killing the client’s husband.

$4.25 million

weak vehicle frame

Represented the family of a man who sustained fatal injuries after becoming trapped in a fire-engulfed vehicle due to the vehicle’s cabin frame deforming into his survival space.

$3.5 million

Salvage Yard Contractual Breach

An automobile salvage yard failed to preserve evidence, in relation to a previous motor-vehicle accident, by releasing the vehicle to a third party who had it crushed and melted. This severely limited the clients’ ability to pursue a products liability case and was a complete breach in contractual obligations.

$3.5 million

Collapsing Cabin Structure

During a frontal offset collision, a vehicle’s occupant cabin and its safety cage intruded into the driver’s survival space, causing the driver’s seat to intrude into the rear seat. Both the driver and a child passenger suffered fatal injuries.

$2.45 million

Defective restraint and Airbag Systems

A major vehicle manufacturer had defective occupant restraint and airbag systems, leading to fatal injuries.

$2.4 million

Crushed Vehicle Roof

Client was involved in a rollover accident where she was impacted by the vehicle’s crushed roof in the passenger-side safety space, causing extensive injuries to her cervical spine and leaving her permanently paralyzed.

$2.25 million

Catastrophic Vehicle Rollover

Client was severely injured when, due to a rollover motor-vehicle accident, the roof of the vehicle caved in and the restraint system failed to properly secure him.

$2.05 million

Failing Vehicle Seat Track

Client was involved in a motor-vehicle accident resulting in the front-passenger seat locking mechanism to fail and move rearward—impacting a child passenger. The child sustained severe head and facial injuries.

$1.9 million

Dangerous Child Car Seat

A toddler sitting in a forward-facing car seat had his spinal cord completely severed and sustained traumatic brain injuries after a motor-vehicle accident. The car seat manufacturer failed to warn of the dangers posed to toddlers associated with riding in a forward-facing car seat.

$1.83 million

Vehicle Seat Back Failure

A driver’s seat back failed when the vehicle was impacted by another vehicle from the rear, causing the driver to move rearward and impact his head. His injuries were fatal.

$1.7 million

Defective Refrigerator Fire

Client’s business was destroyed when a defective refrigerator at a neighboring property caught fire, which spread to client’s property.

$1.65 million

breached insurance contract

Obtained a settlement for a corporate client in a first-party insurance case and alleged the insurer breached the insurance contract, unreasonably delayed and denied payment, and breached the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

$1.6 million

Defective restraint system

Represented the family of an individual who was fatally injured in a motor-vehicle wreck when the occupant restraint system did not provide adequate protection in the collision and allowed his head to strike the A-pillar.

$1.5 million

Seat back failure

A collision caused the driver’s seat back to fail and collapse rearward into the survival space of a child passenger. The driver was left with a serious spinal fracture and permanent paraplegia and the child sustained head injuries resulting in death.

$1.5 million

Crushed vehicle roof

Client’s vehicle rolled over in an accident. The vehicle’s roof crushed into the driver’s side safety space causing her neck to break and rendering her a quadriplegic. The injuries could have been prevented through a crashworthy vehicle design.

$1 million

trapped in vehicle

Swerving off the road to avoid an oncoming car, our client struck a tree with her vehicle. All passengers in the vehicle were able to exit quickly, but the driver’s compartment had crushed into the driver’s safety space, entrapping her. The vehicle caught fire, resulting in her death.

$1 million

faulty rear vehicle hatch

During a vehicle rollover, the roof of the vehicle crushed and the rear hatch opened, allowing two of the occupants to be ejected from the vehicle. The accident caused the occupants to sustain catastrophic injuries, including death and quadriplegia.


negligent medical care

Represented the family of a man who died after receiving negligent medical care from his doctor.


medical malpractice

Filed a medical malpractice lawsuit on behalf of his client who received negligent medical treatment that severely impacted her life for nearly a year.


airbag failure

Driver sustained fatal injuries when the vehicle she was traveling in was struck by another vehicle. Although the crash was otherwise survivable, the woman’s airbag failed to deploy, allowing her head and upper torso to move forward and make contact with the dash of her vehicle.


Vehicle roof collapse

Client was traveling in an SUV when she lost control, causing the vehicle to travel off the road and strike a guardrail and tree. During the rollover, the SUV’s roof collapsed, causing our client to sustain fatal injuries.


Firearm Negligence

Client was shot at a gas station when a gas station employee negligently discharged a firearm.


Box Fan Barn Fire

A fire engulfed a horse breeding and boarding facility, killing six stallions. The fire emanated from a defective box fan located in the barn.


Defective Medical Device

A defective mesh patch used to repair a hernia caused our client to have a small bowel obstruction and required emergency, life-saving surgery.


defective medical device

Client experienced serious complications from a defective mesh patch.


airbag failure

Client was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident in which the airbag failed to deploy when the vehicle struck a tree. The client sustained a traumatic head injury and was incapacitated.


Unprotected vehicle fuel tank

Client was driving her vehicle when she ran over a piece of metal road debris that penetrated the fuel tank. The spilling fuel ignited and engulfed the client’s vehicle in flames, resulting in severe burn injuries. The vehicle was not equipped with a fuel tank skid plate or other methods to protect the fuel tank from undercarriage strikes.


ejected in rollover accident

Client was riding as a passenger in a vehicle that blew a tire, rolled over, and partially ejected the client, permanently injuring him. The vehicle’s instability caused the vehicle to roll over, and the vehicle’s occupant containment and restraint system failed to reasonably contain him during the rollover.


Defective Vehicle Clutch

Class-action lawsuit against a major car manufacturer, asserting a product defect claim involving a defective clutch safety interlock switch.


Over-served at Restaurant

Lawsuit against a restaurant for violations of the Texas Dram Shop Act when it continued to serve a patron alcoholic beverages after he was clearly intoxicated. The intoxicated patron then drove his vehicle and had a rollover accident, killing the passenger.


defective vehicle clutch

A defective clutch interlock safety device allowed a vehicle engine to start without the clutch being depressed. As the engine turned over, the vehicle lurched forward and fatally injured a child.


Vehicle Roof Crushed

Client was driving with her two children in the vehicle when she swerved to avoid a large object in the roadway. The vehicle rolled over, and the vehicle’s roof crushed into the passenger-side occupant space of one of the children who later died from his injuries.


defective golf cart

Client was being transported in a golf cart at work, the golf cart accelerator unintentionally engaged. The driver applied the brakes in an effort to stop the cart, but the cart’s brake override failed, allowing the cart to move under a trailer, which pinned the client between the golf cart and the trailer. The client suffered severe damage to his liver and other internal injuries.


Rock-Climbing Fall

A rock-climbing gym failed to provide adequate training to its guests, resulting in a rock climber’s fall that left him permanently disabled.


Negligent Taxi Driver

Clients’ five-year-old son was tragically struck while crossing the street by a negligent taxi driver. The child died three days later from his injuries.