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Attorney Referrals

Specialized Legal Support For Product Liability And Personal Injury Cases.

Why Referring Attorneys Choose Us

Hossley & Embry has successfully litigated thousands of personal injury cases. Our firm works with referring attorneys all across the country to help them serve their clients in navigating complex personal injury litigation. 

With a proven track record of success across 20 years of practice, and the resources required to take on large corporations, we are dedicated to delivering the justice and compensation that our clients deserve and to earning attorneys high-value referral fees. 

We can get the best possible result for you and your client.


Why Choose Hossley & Embry?

we have the experience, resources, and proven track record

When we win a trial for our clients, everyone wins - including the referring attorneys. Our verdicts and settlements total more than $165 million across a variety of product liability and personal injury litigation. Including a $34.4 Million – Jury Verdict Against Car Seat Manufacturer, Dorel Juvenile Inc.

No Case Is Too Complex

It’s our willingness to take on complex, difficult cases that distinguishes Hossley & Embry as a pioneering firm in the field of product liability and personal injury.

Our attorneys are equipped with the necessary resources and training to adopt unique perspectives to uncover angles that may not have been initially apparent. We accept the risks and invest the time needed to successfully litigate difficult cases.

We’ll Take on Any Corporate Defendant

The scope of cases involving catastrophic injury or death means settling them as quickly as possible isn’t enough. These cases often put victims and their families against large, powerful corporations that hire first-class lawyers to defend them. These cases are also expensive to try and require retaining the nation’s top experts, conducting detailed investigations, and spending enormous amounts of time and preparation to take them to trial.

At Hossley & Embry, we have the manpower and financial resources these cases demand, and we won’t spare any expense when taking care of our clients.

Referring Attorneys Choose Us For Our


Product Liability Types


Automobile manufacturers have a responsibility to design their vehicles to guarantee driver, passenger, and pedestrian safety. Automobile component manufacturers and the automobile manufacturers themselves can be named as defendants in a product liability suit.


Every year thousands of people are injured or even killed due to medical product defects and medical malpractice. Attorneys with a background in these areas can help victims receive the justice and compensation they deserve.


Manufacturers and vendors have the responsibility to carefully test and inspect their products for safety issues and warn the public about possible risks. When this responsibility is neglected they should be held fully accountable for the damages.


Drug manufacturers must conform to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations regarding the fabrication, promotion, and sale of a product. If a drug is defective, the expectation that the manufacturer followed these FDA regulations is undermined. It is the responsibility of the drug manufacturer to alert consumers and doctors of all potential side effects.

INdustrial Products

The use of faulty machinery and tools can result in serious injury. If this damage was caused by a product defect or failure to provide sufficient notice about the risk of using a product, the manufacturer or vendor could be held accountable.